Sunday, October 21, 2007

Loony logging in.

For the past ten minutes, I have been constantly logging in and out of MSN Messenger. To put it in the words of one of my friends, "Grace, why are you signing in and out like a loon?"
It's not my fault at all. For some strange reason, the university is incapable of providing a decent wireless internet connection to the students on the campus.
Take this for a comparison : Multimedia University in Cyberjaya (ok, so it's owned by tmnet, a communications comapany...) has a connection that can download an entire music album in ten seconds. That's -seconds-, not even minutes. I've heard that here it takes half an hour to get a five minute video clip to load up.
It's not even possible to compare the two.
Anyway, the connection seems to have calmed down, and I've stopped my loony behaviour. Naturally, this will probably not last long enough for me to post this in one go - it'll probably take two or three 'refreshes' to do it.
Wish me luck!