Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hectic, hectic week.

I'm absolutely knackered now. The past week's been possibly the busiest I can remember - and it seemed as if it would never end!
I have a bad feeling that this post is going to feel something like that too, but hang in there.
Right. To start off: Monday.
What can I say about Monday? Well, there was a full day of lectures, then I had to go buy stuff for my Fear Factor games (in Kajang - and I bought some really nice chocolate chip cookies.), followed by the rehearsal for the Halloween Night. We went to the Great Hall for that, and it was alright - sound and other technical stuff was fine, and I got the full, final programme. Did I mention I was emcee-ing? Yep. Anyway, we rehearsed, and then I had to prepare for the lab the Wednesday, which was, well, cooking class. lecturers will probably hang, draw and quarter me for saying that, now I think of it...
So, Monday was fine, not too stressful. Of course, I had the shadow of The Pharmaceutical Calculations Exam hanging over me, so there was plenty of doom and gloom. But naturally, like the idiot that I am, I managed to get pretty much everything going on in that week.
Then Tuesday - the day itself. Did I mention that I'd only worked out my costume the night before? The event is fancy-dress, and as co-emcee, I needed something good, but at the same time, not too flashy. In the end I settled for the old tried-and-tested pirate outfit, eyepatch and all. I even had a sword this time, so it was better than the last time I dressed up as a pirate.
Although I have to admit, the costume wasn't exactly the only thing I left to the last minute. Remember the Fear Factor games? Well, before the event started, I had to prepare the games things, which basically consisted of extremely disgusting food. An example is a concoction I made of coffee, Coke, mayonaise, tinned sardines, tomato sauce and wasabi. Lovely, isn't it?
Anyway, I had to prepare the food for the games as well as get ready to emcee, which I just about managed to get done.
I guess the event went well, although I still feel that it could've been better. Oh well, there's always next year. And after we cleaned up and everything, a whole lot of us went out to eat...and the Music Society (who organised and the night) footed the bill!
Wednesday was mainly catching up with revision for the exam, Thursday was the exam and Friday was getting the results of the exam...and I PASSED!!! The passmark was 90%, which means I had at least 90%. I'm so happy!!!
Oh, and on Friday I was given the honour of witnessing Stampeding Pharmacy First Years.
What is that, you ask?
Well, it's when we have to do our lab report in one building, with a deadline of three hours, to be handed-in in a different building. Naturally, everyone works right up to the about five minutes before the deadline, so at about 4.40pm, there was a rush of about fifty or so First Year Pharmacists to hand in the report. Fortunately, I'd decided to go a bit earlier, so I wasn't caught in the rush, but I did witness the mass exodus from the lab building on my way back, and let me tell you, it was scary. I don't know how, but even the girls in heels and little skirts managed to run - fast!
So, that was Monday to Friday, but the week doesn't end there : I had Moral Studies the next day. A 9a.m. start with lectures, lunch break and then a two hour exam at midday.
But finally, that was it. Sure, I still have manufacturing records (for my 'cookery' class), another lab report, and a presentation, but it's not going to be as wild as I felt the past week was.
At this very moment, my biggest problem is figuring out if I really want an ice cream, and if I do want one, should I go for the lime/vanilla or chocolate cone......?

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