Friday, November 2, 2007

The Onion Theory

Have you ever heard of the onion theory? To be honest, I hadn't until this week. Well, actually, it was my friends and I who came up with it.
If you've seen Shrek, you'd most likely remember a bit in it where he describes himself as an onion to Donkey- I believe the quote (which I found on Wikipedia as I don't have a copy of the movie) is :
"Onions have layers. OGRES have layers. Onions have layers... you get it. We both have layers."
No, I haven't met any ogres. On the contrary. I've learnt that you shouldn't judge people by first impressions because they always end up being very different.
Like when I've met people who seem rather crude. But in the end, they end up having the sweetest personalities. Or people who seem sensible and pleasant but end up having absolutely foul tempers and expressions sour enough to curdle milk. Or others who seem rather ... I suppose I could say pathetic ... but can miraculously transform into inspiring leaders.
Well, at least they have an amazing ability to control rowdy committee meetings.
Anyway, the point of all my rambling is to say : Don't judge a book by its cover. Very cliche and all, but true. You never know what you might find under all those layers...

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