Right, just a couple of relevant statistics...
Last blog published : sometime in 2007.
Today's date : 14th May 2008.
Days till I go home : 4
Time till S.3 : 4 months
Ouch...my neck's stiff from staring at the computer screen so much. But it's just to compensate for the, what was it? Week and a half that I didn't touch my computer because I was madly revising for my exams.
Yeah, something like that.
Well, the year's been mad. Absolutely and utterly crazy. There's so much that's been going on, the only way I can adequately summarise it is with pictures (most of which my amazing friends took; I'm far too lazy)...

This was Steph, Sam and I posing with some Seremban
siew pau. I know, that was last year in October or thereabouts...very long ago. But it's a nice pic :)

Oh, Pharmnotts Christmas dinner...that was lovely. We went to an Italian restaurant and had a really tasty buffet. This picture is all the people on my table. The abundance of supermarket plastic bags tells you that
a lot of people got chocolate from their Secret Santas, haha!

This was the night we went to KLPAC and watched the Sinfonietta play movie soundtracks. A really, really amazing night - the music was good and then we went to Hard Rock cafe (see pic). They have a simple but incredibly awesome (!) dessert: warm chocolate brownies with vanilla ice cream. Yes, that's us there, attacking the ice cream...I think Sam and I finished them in record time, and then we started eyeing up the other bowl :p
That night was a really nice ending to Season 1 (our way of labelling the semesters, since everything is overly dramatic). Then after dinner, we went carolling at the Eye of Malaysia, probably scaring all the lovebirds who go there to coo and cuddle.
Really got me into the Christmas spirit (the carolling, not the scaring :p)

Well, the highlight of Season 2 was probably the Annual Dinner. What can I say about it, really? A fun night that started with Sam, Wen Qi and I having LAN exams :S, then off to get our hair done, then a massive makeup session in Steph's room and finally off to the dinner :) We took that picture while Jason Lo was performing - the highlight of the evening. I love the fact that we managed to cram a mini rock concert into the dinner.
Ah, everyone was all dressed up so nicely...there's too many pictures to put up, and besides, it's easy enough to go on Facebook to have a look.
Anyway...tired now...I haven't typed this much since my group project report...think I'll just leave it as it is, before I manage to babble even more...
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