Sunset in Penang :)
I've only been home for two days now, but already I'm feeling restless. Sure, there's TV and (fast) Internet, but really, there's not much else to do. I know I'd probably be shocked to read this in, say, five or six months down the line, but I actually miss all the hard work that goes with lectures and lab reports.
Haha...it really is true when they say you always want what you can't get.
Anyway, I haven't really got much planned yet; I applied for a work placement at a pharmacy in Midlands, but I haven't heard from them yet. I really, really dread at how long this summer is going to be. Normally, my summers only last about two months - July to the end of August, but now the holidays have started in May!!!
I suppose I could blog a bit more now I have so much time...
I'm sitting in Coffee Bean right now, the one in Island Plaza, and since I've been here for a bit, I've observed quite a few different people passing through.
You get such a variety here - it's actually quite interesting to just sit and watch. If I had my sketchbook with me, I think I'd have quite a few pages.
Hmph. Just got disconnected. Anyway, back to the odd people...
Right now I've got three ladies on the table to my left who appear to be the local Sex and the City group - towering heels, glossy nails, glossier lips (despite the coffee), lots of wealth on display (from the chic mobiles to the designer handbags and what I think is a MacBook Air. It really is a lovely bit of technology. Yes, it is indeed a MacBook Air.) and naturally, plenty of gossip, which includes the price that one lady is selling her car for, lunch plans for the upcoming week, herbal slimming supplements etc etc. Wow...these ladies really are busy...
Then, there's the gym people. Unless they really, really like the 'gym look', Coffee Bean gets a lot of business from the people who go to the gym on the top floor for their daily/weekly/monthly workout. Although, I have to say, when you've just slaved away on the treadmill for two hours, what's the point of undoing all that hard work with a large Chocolate Ice Blended?
Then there are the tourists/expats. Hold that thought. The biggest poser just walked in. And I'm not usually one to criticise, but seriously...does she think she's on a photoshoot or something?
Long, streaked hair, tiny skirt, minute top...good grief, now she's actually leaning back and thrusting her chest in the air whilst flicking her hair over her shoulder, pouting, and looking around, like you see women doing in shampoo ads. Except she's in Coffee Bean.
What a strange creature.
Anyway, back to the tourists/expats. There's quite a few here...they seem to mostly be families with young children, although there are quite a few older couples. It's funny...this Coffee Bean is so international; loads of different accents floating about, even different languages.
Ah, the Sex and the City ladies are leaving now. I guess it's a good time to end this post. They're doing the whole I'll call you about later/tommorow thing before sweeping past in a cloud of perfume.
Hmm...I think I might go get a bit of that cheesecake over there, it looks rather tempting...
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