Friday, May 8, 2009

Long time no blog....

Whew, it's been almost exactly a year since I actually posted something. Odd how exams make me more productive in everything but revision.
Anyway, too much has happened in a year to possibly put it all down here, so I won't even try.
What does astonish me however, is that this time last year I was in Coffee Bean?? On my holidays already? And to think we thought this year was shorter than the last. This is weird.
I'd better get back to my attempt at consuming several books. Odd how fiction is so much more easily digested than non-fiction (in particular academic non-fiction).
Oh well. Will be back in about a month, hopefully more regularly with pictures and descriptions of lots and lots of lovely food.
Till then....

1 comment:

ShenQ said...

Good luck with the exams! HAHAHA!!!
